Sale PSA: A very cute plaid blazer from Veronica Beard, now 60% off, a soft pajama set from Splendid, now $46, and a gorgeous cotton shirtdress from Everlane, now just $30 (seriously, why so cheap? I’m getting one too!).
I decided to start a new series on the blog. Because sometimes the weekend comes and I don’t have a big post or a central topic I want to write about, but I still need to have have a post for Monday (do you guys still want a post on Mondays?).
Here are some things that I have been thinking about, doing, watching, etc. I hope you don’t mind this series…more in line with what a traditional “blog” would be! Which I actually miss…I wish more people in my life had blogs. Instagram has been tiring me out lately for some reason. Anyway.

First…I started a new show on Netflix. Well, an old one. My Crazy Ex Girlfriend, starring Rachel Bloom. This was one of those shows that was super critically acclaimed when it came out but I just didn’t have the time. And, to be honest, it just didn’t appeal to me for whatever reason. I think it’s great that Netflix gives a new life to series like this…because I discovered that I really love this show! It is so well done and written and unexpected. The songs are fantastic. I highly highly highly recommend this show if you haven’t seen it already!
My new Macbook Air arrived. I love it. I’d been dealing with multiple issues with my old one for some time: first something to do with not being to upgrade the OS anymore which I’m certain was all my fault, but which was causing all kinds of problems with incompatibility with other software and apps, and then last year an even more annoying issue popped up, which was the letters from R to P sporadically deciding not to work on my keyboard. Which you know, when you are editing a book, is very very frustrating. I’m one of those people who believe that electronics have little souls and lives and thus was really loathe to give up my trusty laptop which I’ve had nearly a decade but finally had to do it. And I’m so glad I did. Love the new Macbook and am so impressed with the M1 chip. Highly recommend this setup for anyone in the market for a new system.
I stopped my Amazon Prime subscription. I actually stopped last year. I forgot if I mentioned this (forgive me my brain is mush) but it’s forced me to batch my orders together into one big box. I figure that is more efficient and better for the environment. And I’m saving the annual fee!

Are you guys celebrating Valentine’s Day? I didn’t realize it was coming up until I saw it on the Nordstrom homepage, with an assortment of lingerie that at this point in my life and in the pandemic I do find kind of outrageous (but if you are snapping up La Perla and have little children just know you have my full admiration). I have hesitated to say this in the past because sometimes people think you are a cold hearted robot or something, but I’m really not a gift person…if you’re the kid of Asian immigrants like me you’ve likely never seen your parents exchange Valentines gifts so it’s not something I grew up with. I told my husband not to get me anything and I’m going to choose something for myself. The problem is, nothing really appeals to me! Jewelry would be great but where on earth am I going to wear it? And I still have several unused bags just sitting in my closet. So instead I’m considering buying either a complicated Lego set for me to put together, or this impractically priced Tom Ford scent because I love love a well done cherry scent (and flavor).
People who buy expensive scents: do you ever feel guilty using them? I’m a little worried that at $200 a pop every time I spray this Tom Ford I’m going to imagine little dollar bills going down the drain.
Writing: I’ve started to mess around on a few stories. I really wish I was the kind of writer who could just pick a story they want to work on and just stick with it….I feel I would be so much more efficient with my time. But it just doesn’t work! Even worse everything I’m writing right now is in the first person, which I’m really not used to (both my first and second novels were/are in the third person). Can I ask what you like to read? First, third person, or you really don’t care?
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
February 1, 2021 at 10:20 amI wish more people blogged, too! I’m over social media. And I find posting on social media no fun either (but i’ve been blogging for nearly 17 years.)
I had to leave my first comment to say how much I love Crazy Ex Girl Friend ! I might need to rewatch it, in fact. I hope you love it.
February 1, 2021 at 10:57 amAlso a die-hard blogger here. It’s the best medium.
On CXGF, not only is it wonderful and smart, I think it improves with each season. I actually posted about it here, but there’s a bit of a spoiler for the beginning of season 3, so don’t click through unless you are being deliberate.
February 1, 2021 at 10:58 amI love all your posts, they are a highlight in my week. truly!! So of course I want Monday posts. The more Feather Factor posts the better for me :).
February 1, 2021 at 11:11 amBuy the perfume! I have a bottle of Tom Ford’s Tobacco Vanille. It is gorgeous and my go-to for autumn. I find his perfumes to be beautifully made and durable. You don’t need much, but they last and last. I will try to make it to the Stanford mall to try Lost Cherry.
I also really like blogs, the story telling/narrative aspect is so appealing, especially if you read them for a long time. That said, I follow Linda Wright on Instagram as well as frisky_gatos. They both use color in great ways.
February 1, 2021 at 11:22 amErm. Please please please keep your Monday posts (as long as they give you joy in writing them). They are my favorite way to start my week (and your Friday posts for ending my week). And I love this new format because I miss when people blogged too, especially since any authentic human connection is harder to make now.
February 1, 2021 at 11:59 amI always look forward to your posts and enjoy reading them. Please do not scale back on the weekly posts.
February 1, 2021 at 12:00 pmI look forward to your Monday posts! And…thank you for recommending Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Will start it today. We’ve been enjoying musical shows…Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is a good one. We also went back and watched Smash…these shows make us realize how much we miss Broadway shows!
February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pmI love your Monday posts. It is something I really look forward to reading.
I’ll have to check out Crazy Ex Girlfriend.
February 1, 2021 at 12:59 pmI am a crafter and used to post regularly on my blog. Not that I’ve switched to Instagram or facebook or youtube, it’s just that I was discouraged by the few number of visitors. I did the blog for myself (like a hobby diary, if that makes sense) and there was no ads or affiliated links. It was a platform for me with share my hobby with others. It just didn’t make any sense to put in so much time and effort to keep a diary in this fashion. I still craft and send handmade cards to friends, just not blogging anymore as I’d much rather spend the time crafting than on taking & editing photos of my crafts.
I terminated my Prime subscription a while back as it’s a good way to help curb my expenses. Often I buy because of the convenience rather than the desire of the item itself. I already have too much clutter in my small home and just can’t afford losing more space to an unnecessary purchase!
Enjoy your fragrances! No doubt they could be pricey so it’s a waste if it just sits around collecting dust. I don’t feel guilty about it, especially if it’s a scent I truly love and enjoy. Sometimes they just have the magic to brighten my day!
Oh Valentine’s Day. Single woman here. Isn’t it hilarious I’m buying a night stand because of the V-day sale at a furniture store? I’ve been eyeing that night stand for a while……. And same here I’ve never seen my parents exchange V-day gifts. It’s a perfect idea that you’ll get to choose what you want. That will be a perfect gift, right?
Looking forward to reading your blog on Mondays. Please keep your Monday posts!
February 1, 2021 at 3:51 pmPlease please do not end your Monday posts. I enjoy them even more than the Friday posts, and it is the ONE thing that makes me look forward to a freshly started new week.
February 1, 2021 at 4:27 pmIt’s a pandemic year and perfume is okay !! I did exactly that and bought perfume just to “feel better” being stuck at gone. I love Jasmine and Rose Prick from Tom Ford. I also splurged on some LV perfume this year and love it!! It’s the only nice thing I can wear these days.
Ms. b
February 1, 2021 at 4:44 pmLove your Monday posts! Ive been a fan for years and years, please keep it!
February 1, 2021 at 5:25 pmI enjoy your Monday posts – I enjoy all your posts! Thanks for doing this blog!! It’s one of my favorites!!!
February 1, 2021 at 9:14 pmAnother vote for your Monday posts, please! You are around a decade younger than me but we have similar values and life experiences.
February 1, 2021 at 10:11 pmI love your Monday and Friday posts! They are like scheduled lunch dates with beloved friends. And I really appreciate your consistency and dedication to make them happen. Will be so sad if I am down to only 1 date a week…
February 2, 2021 at 2:35 amOddly enough perfume was the first category I began splurging on – – maybe because it felt like a luxury I could savour every day. I was living in London at the time and used to spend weekends browsing at this wonderful store Les Senteurs where the staff would send you home with multiple samples so you could live with the fragrance before purchasing it. I say go for it!
February 2, 2021 at 4:18 amooh buy the perfume! I’m going crazy here because the airport duty-free perfume counters are constantly on sale (Jo Malone! Tom Ford! Diptyque!) but I seriously don’t need any more perfume!
February 2, 2021 at 6:27 amPlease consider your Monday blog posts as part of the vaccination effort because otherwise this HCW will lay down and continuously scream instead of putting needles in arms!!!!
February 2, 2021 at 12:41 pmMonday-Friday, and any other time you have time in-betwixt the two, please 🙂 Issa habit.
February 3, 2021 at 7:20 pmThe more the merrier for me! Please keep them coming. Thank you!
February 4, 2021 at 12:16 pmPlease keep the posts coming! I enjoy all of them, but especially your fashion posts. You may not consider yourself an influencer, but you have certainly influenced me with your good judgment! I went down a rabbit hole on Etsy when you recommended the various linen shops, I snapped up a Madewell black tank dress on your recommendation, and I’m now absolutely obsessed with Lauren Manoogian. Thanks for it all 🙂
February 6, 2021 at 1:12 amRegarding reading… I generally read third person, or at least end up reading third person as I don’t seem to gel with first person books, thought maybe it is more due to the type of books written in the first person genre-wise? I don’t know. The other thing I like about third person books is that they allow you to leave your body and become someone else, sometimes various different characters if well written, whereas I don’t seem to be able to do that with books written in the first person and I always connect more with characters written in the third person for some reason. Does that make sense? Maybe that is just me, and how my brain works. However, whenever I have tried to write anything (rarely and never resulting in anything good), I have always gravitated to first person which is very odd.
February 7, 2021 at 9:22 amYes this totally makes sense! Thank you for sharing your reading experience 🙂
February 20, 2021 at 9:59 amOn reading: I will read anything, ANYTHING (novels, non-fic, magazines, cereal boxes) with engaging characters (good, bad, etc) and a strong story. I will reread mysteries, MYSTERIES, bc I loved the story and want to revisit the characters.
On expensive perfume: I don’t have kids so I don’t bear that feeling of financial burden now and in the future and therefore can only speak from my narrow, atypical experience: buy the perfume. Spray it regularly. Especially if your family (especially your husband) love the scent of it on you. Scent is evocative and very closely tied to memory; make it a good one.
On complicated Legos: I have Assembly Square 4/5ths completed on my dining room table as I type.