Sale PSA: The classic Nordstrom tissue weight shawl, now 50% off, the Wacoal wire free t-shirt bra, now $49, a ton of Chloe bags are now 20% off, including the classic Marcie styles, and this smocked J.Crew dress, now 25% off (it has not been included in any of the bigger % off promotions and I am waiting for my size to be back in stock!).
Each weekend I sit down and try to write a post for Monday. I used to do these in advance, but lately it’s been only the weekend when I can start (and usually Sunday night….with a bowl of ramen to on the side). With Covid, it’s been an extra struggle. This blog is about lots of frivolous things and what is going on isn’t frivolous. I have struggled with how to continue and I think perhaps some of it is turning it into a discussion – how our hobbies and interests and lives will look on the other side of this. At least, that’s what I think I want to talk about today.

One of the many changes the pandemic has nudged in me is rethinking luxury goods. And I have a confession – literally days before lockdown, I received one of my last purchases, an Hermes bag, which I have been thinking about for years and finally snapped up because I was told it was being “rested” (Hermes speak for “perhaps it is going away and perhaps I’m just saying it so I can sell this bag to you and you can make your best guess). And then, two days after, our preschool closed and a week later our county went on lockdown. Since then, the bag has just sat in its box. I can’t really look at it, to be honest. At times it still makes me happy and other times I’m like…what was I thinking, buying yet (another) item, right before all this came down? It’s like this ping pong between happiness and regret.
I had already culled quite a lot from my closet before all this but I still have a pretty darn full closet! And inevitably I’m at that point where I think many other people have been – which is why do I need all this stuff? Well, because it brings me joy of course! And it isn’t harming anyone. But lately it brings me less joy….although to be fair, a LOT of things bring me less joy lately (with the exception of my family, pulling weeds, a good book/TV show and EATING).
So how does this all change luxury for me in the future? I mean…I’m buying a LOT less now. Practically zero (I’ve moved into sweatpants and linen dresses). I don’t think I’m giving up luxury for good. I’ll still be buying (as long as I can afford it). But probably less overall. In a world like this to be honest luxury items just mean less…that doesn’t mean I don’t still enjoy them, derive pleasure…but they do seem less meaningful, at least to me.
Alright..and now that I’ve rambled…I want to hear your thoughts! How is your attitude to luxury right now? How do you think it’ll change (if any) after all of this?
Alisa Gabriel
April 27, 2020 at 7:39 amWell said, Kat. It all seems pretty pointless and frivolous to buy luxury goods — whether or not we can afford them. Honestly, who cares what bag someone’s carrying? And these days we’re not even going out anywhere!
Clothes are possibly a bit different — styles change and it’s nice to have something new occasionally, but there are a lot of well-made options at non-luxury price points.
I will always enjoy quality items, but am feeling quite content with the Hermès and Chanel pieces I already own, and may even sell a few bags. Not very tempted to shop these days except for a few things (each well below $1000). I hope that overall this is less a trend than a general change in values — our society has become insanely materialistic and I, for one, am thoroughly sick of seeing what celebrities and “influencers” wear and do 🙂
April 27, 2020 at 8:23 amLuxury items are more for display of social status than for the practicality of it. When we return to more active social life, we will feel for the need of them again. Snatch that Hermes if you can now haha!
On the other hand, I’m totally with you that I’m deriving so much joy from my old cotton shirts, pulling weeds, a walk in the park, gardeners world and ramen these days, haha!
Diane W.
April 27, 2020 at 8:27 amI, too, have been thinking about this recently. After the new year started, I realized I had simply stopped purchasing both paintings and handbags. In my case, I suspect that was age-related. I knew that, statistically, people began spending less money as they hit their 70’s, but I didn’t think it would happen to me. Then one day I realized, while I was still looking at art in online galleries, I hadn’t purchased anything new in several months. Nor had I purchased any handbags. Then COVID hit and seemed to validate those changes. I can’t predict how I will react when life settles into the New Normal, but I’m hoping this ‘reset’ lasts…..
April 27, 2020 at 8:36 amI could not agree more Kat, I have no interest in luxury right now and am not sure if it will return when the world opens back up. It just seems pointless and don’t we have so much of it already? It has also made me double down on efforts to support businesses who care about the environment, doing good in business and the world (which for me is Everlane) even if it doesn’t seem as luxe as another brand/designer.
That said, I am very curious which last Hermes bag you bought :). I hope when the other side of this emerges you can find more joy in it than now, and if not, that you can easily trade it in for something else.
April 27, 2020 at 8:59 amI too, would love to see your new Hermes bag! I treat myself to at least one new bag a year, and last week I bought the Chloe mini c bag on an insane discount. What covid has done for me, is keep everyone closer to home base with the things we already have and cherish. I’ve been itemizing in a notebook, all of my jewellery, accessories and clothes, and been loving what’s already in them. Pre Covid, we were out of the house a lot, hanging out at malls, and I think it stimulates a lot of desire for more things. Being at home, being serene and quiet and thoughtful, stimulates a desire for making the best of what we already have with tiny modifications. I don’t think I will change this attitude after covid ends because I don’t want it to. I feel like my thinking and what I place importance on has been reset in a good way.
April 27, 2020 at 10:22 amI love reading your thoughts…one reason why I love your blog! I am buying a lot less…but there are several reasons, and it started before the pandemic. For one…I retired over 2 years ago. I am comfortable, but less money coming in. Next…my husband’s business went belly up…so I am supporting us. No, I didn’t sign up for this, and I was very angry, but that is my situation, and luckily, I can do it. So…luxury purchases are a memory…and I really am no longer tempted. I have so much, I forget what I have!
Myra J.
April 27, 2020 at 12:16 pmI totally agree! The name on the label doesn’t mean as much to me as the quality of the fabric and that it is well made.
April 27, 2020 at 12:30 pmWe are definitely on the same wavelength. Great read as always.
April 27, 2020 at 12:34 pmI can relate to this on a different level. Right before this all went down I upgraded from a smaller Mercedes sedan to a larger and quite a bit more expensive Mercedes SUV. I dropped quite a bit on the down payment and now that I have had a bit to let things sink in, I can say I definitely am feeling some guilt and regret. I really didn’t NEED a new car – my old car was only 2 years old but I wanted something with a little more room for my two boys and not going to lie, I wanted the upgraded technology in newer model. It makes me a little sad seeing it sit there in the driveway because I am rarely driving it and it just seems like an unnecessarily extravagant purchase given everything. It has definitely deterred me from making any crazy luxury purchases this entire quarantine so I suppose that is the silver lining here. Thanks for the post – I always enjoy reading your blog.
April 27, 2020 at 3:30 pmOh, I hope you don’t feel too sad! I understand that mix of regret but I hope you still have some happiness as well. At least gas is cheap and we will likely be driving all sorts of places once this is past. Please enjoy it, even just the beautiful sight 🙂
April 27, 2020 at 12:44 pmI’ve been feeling the same way. Thanks for sharing.
April 27, 2020 at 1:32 pmYour thoughts resonate with me Kat. I worked in the luxury arena for most of my career-Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Saks, etc, so it was important to me on many levels. I also collected many beautiful and indulgent things. I didn’t feel “presentable” unless my handbag, shoes or accessories were designer. As I eased out of the business I realized that I wasn’t really as comfortable with all the luxurious trappings as I once was. I began selling and donating my over abundance. I still had quite a bit more than I needed. Then I retired a couple of years ago (as another commentator also noted-hope you are enjoying your new adventure!) and I really looked at what in my closet was really “me”. I started the process again of reevaluating my clothes, accessories and jewelry. I still love beautiful things, but feel more at home with the “less is more” concept. But-to be totally honest-I still would love an Hermès bag!!!
April 27, 2020 at 9:45 pmI feel the same. Just before all travel restrictions were put in place, I just got back from a vacation in Europe. I bought a bag and some pairs of shoes there, all of which are still in their bags and boxes waiting to be used. I wonder now if I will get to use them anytime soon.
Liz |
April 28, 2020 at 1:26 ami have purchased a few pairs of earrings that still bring me some joy. Eventually I’m going to go through my closet and GIVE things away. I can’t take anything with me when I pass. I say enjoy your bag just the same though. I view handbags as little works of art. I stopped buying expensive bags because most cost as much as 18k jewelry! Also, I don’t change bags often enough to justify the expense. I still drool over Chanel and Fendi bags. I’m still kicking myself for not buying a jumbo classic when they were $1850! Years ago! Your blog is super fun. Maybe you can buy others less fortunate lower priced handbags? Or give some away to a relative that can’t or won’t buy themselves one? Sometimes giving away items spark joy too.
Liz |
April 28, 2020 at 1:36 amThe virus didn’t put things into perspective for me. It was my Mother’s passing. The earrings I purchased are by Annette Ferdinandsen. They are blue Cala Lilies. I have always wanted a pair from her. They were only $180!
I guess I still purchase because old habits die hard. I have to be strong and just get rid of things!
April 28, 2020 at 9:32 amI spent the first four weeks of extreme social distancing looking like a complete slob before I started getting tired of it and pulling a few of the nicer casual things out of my closet, mainly fancy sandals. As for new purchases, I drooled over a gorgeous kinda casual coat by The Row, but ultimately decided a) I’d rather put the funds towards a piece of art or furniture (although my children will destroy anything nice, so I should just buy used furniture from a bus depot for the next 10 years) and b) I already have so many nice things in my closet that it feels like too much of an indulgence right now. Overall, this is just reinforcing a message that’s been percolating for years: buy generally simple clothes with a few special pieces here and there. I haven’t even been wearing jewelry, but I think that’s going to be the next thing I pull out. On a different note, so glad you enjoyed the Donald Hall book and looking forward to digging into the Ruth Reichl.
April 28, 2020 at 11:13 amKat, thank you for this thoughtful post. I’ve been feeling much the same way. I was very excited in February to place my first SO for an Hermes Kelly. Today, after reading your post, was the first time I even thought about it since shelter-in-place started. And what seemed unthinkable 2 months ago is now very much on my mind – I don’t know if I will actually purchase it because it seems less important to me with all the COVID stuff going on. Let’s see how I feel when it actually comes in, but this is where I am for now.
April 28, 2020 at 8:01 pmI’m living in sweatpants in my garden. My routines have changed. Most days, I wear a baseball cap I got for free at some alumni function years ago, which is something I have never done. I too look in my closet and the heels and dresses and evening bags seem irrelevant. This month I’ve spent what I’d normally spend on clothes on mulch and potting soil and gardening tools. If we go back to life as before (and I’m really not sure we will) I have no idea if I will want to live the same way. Stay safe.
April 28, 2020 at 8:14 pmSame with me, overall I would only consider clothing items that could be machine-washed and tumble-dry, maybe for the next two years.
April 29, 2020 at 9:46 amThis is such a thought-provoking post that I actually came back twice, re-read the post and all the comments. I sense that many are thinking that this has brought a change re luxury goods or shopping in general, but I believe that it is going to be temporary. After all, we are now adapting to a new lifestyle but we are also expecting that things will return to normalcy. As time goes by, this lockdown will become a remote memory and when we are shopping, we probably won’t be thinking “Will there be a lockdown in 2 weeks?”
We are very fortunate to have this “first world problem.” Let’s recall the pleasant and exciting experience of acquiring those items and enjoy what we have.
April 29, 2020 at 10:13 amI’ll definitely change my purchasing habit of everything. Suddenly, I realised I have way too many things, bags, shoes, clothes, makeup, nail polishes, jewelry, watches…I’m only wearing H&M tee shirt and shorts at home..on rotation for the last 40 days and I’m so so happy, more so with my skincare routine, slap on moisturizer, eye cream and lip balm, viola!
Meantime, just be grateful of what we have and the buying has to stop. LOL.
Hey, wait a minute, I’m eyeing those expensive Daniel Smith watercolour paint sets and Escoda paint brushes! Can I change my mind? The buying continues with other things.
sherry @ save. spend. splurge.
April 30, 2020 at 11:27 amI really feel like this is temporary. I will write a follow-up post on my blog with my thoughts, but for now, it just feels like I am in limbo. I am doing outfits for my capsule wardrobe, and I am looking at beautiful pieces, or buying vintage items but … for what? To sit in my closet?
May 30, 2020 at 9:21 pmLate to this party, but I have been downsizing, in a sense, for years. I work mainly from home, and not the kind of work that requires me to look Zoom-presentable, so clothes and shoes, etc are a lot less necessary. My health is crappy, so that’s a lot of my focus, and I wasn’t going out and being social so much even before Covid hit. My goals are: better health, more time with my husband, more freedom to travel. Of course now travel too, is all on hold. ?♀️
One thing I won’t stop buying is jewelry. I have always loved it, and can’t imagine that I will ever stop. But these days I’m not buying bigger and splashy, like I used to. I’m buying small, personal, meaningful…vintage (though I’ve almost always bought vintage). I feel like whenever the world opens up again, I’m going to want more ease from everything – the wardrobe the adornments, the life. In that sense (and a few others), Covid has been very clarifying.
The Future of my Closet and Luxury - Am I wearing things just for others? • Save. Spend. Splurge.
June 15, 2021 at 1:53 pm[…] wrote a great piece that made me think – The Future of Our Luxury and talking about how she recently bought an Hermès bag and it just sits there, languishing in the […]