Hello! I engaged in what was probably my third round of closet purging this weekend – all the stuff in my “secret” drawers, where I stuffed all the goodies I was loathe to give up…gone. I vow to start 2019 with a clean slate, at least wardrobe wise, and thus here are my resolutions:

Have more fun! I know some may think this is contrary to my other resolutions but I think you can buy clothes you don’t regret without resorting to all solid colored, black clothing (right….? I hope…?). My youngest will be two this year and even though I occasionally want a third that wish is kind of like how I think it’d be great if I got to ice skate in the Olympics. Either way I’ve finally reached the point where all my children are kind of a little more self sufficient and I am not pregnant at the same time, (the first time in four years!!) so yeah I’m going to have some more fun with my wardrobe! I can wear fun dresses, and pants, and all kinds of stuff. Stuff that is more form fitting! And even (slightly) delicate fabric!
Respect the source. This last year I really started to think about where my clothes came from, who made them, and the overall impact I’m having on the environment. I don’t know if it’s just me getting older but I guess the ethics of the brands I buy (paying a living wage, not using child labor) is something I pay attention to more now…maybe because in this political environment you can really see the importance of taking some action for your vague beliefs. And when I want to get something fancy I try first to see if I can grab it off of The Real Real (my current obsession). That way I feel like I’m giving clothes more life, without buying new. We produce enough clothes already…and on that note…
Buy natural fibers. Just something I’ve noticed, I’m a lot happier when I buy natural fibers! Half of what I threw out in my latest purge were designs that I liked but that were polyester, or other unnatural fibers…they pilled quickly, didn’t feel good when I wore them, or simply felt “cheap”. I want to do lots more linen, silk, cashmere (this I have lots of) and cottons this year. All natural fibers, if it is possible.
25 items for the year. I did this for the last few years but last year this resolution totally fell off the map (to be honest I went to my spreadsheet to see when I stopped tracking, and realized that I never even made a tab for 2018. Oops!). Anyway, I really want to hit 25 items or less this year and I am going to keep track. Wish me luck!
What are your wardrobe resolutions for 2019?
January 7, 2019 at 10:45 amIs that a picture of your actual closet? Amazing!
January 7, 2019 at 1:03 pmNo!! I meant to credit but only changed the photo title by mistkae. It is a buzzfeed photo lol.
January 7, 2019 at 12:39 pmIf that is your actual closet, I would like to move in!
I made a list of do not buy in 2019 and am figuring out an acceptable percentage disposable income…. For me, having a number of pieces might not stop my excessive black pant habit.
January 7, 2019 at 1:04 pmI just ordered two pairs of black pants. I want to hear more about your 2019!!! And no, not my closet!
January 7, 2019 at 1:33 pmWould love to see your actual closet??
January 7, 2019 at 5:32 pmI love everything about this post! I find that I have a similar mindset going into 2019.
1) Appropriate Purchases : Learn more about fit, cut, style as it relates to my body type & composition. (I have accepted that rompers never were and never will be a good look for me.)
2) Higher Quality Items : Natural fabrics, better construction, better materials. I want to purchase items that will be staples and are built to last. I know this generally means higher prices but, I really enjoyed this article from the Atlantic on that topic: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/10/the-case-for-expensive-clothes/408652/
3) Trying to find items that meet point 1 and 2 that are in my budget will probably take more of my time than making actual purchases, lol.
Have you read “Your Money or Your Life”? I’m just starting, but it touches on the philosophical side of what we do with our money and how our consumer mindset affects the Earth and our natural resources. I’m not really one to get too much into things like that, but it did make me think about my purchases and choices. I’ve already stopped shopping at places like Zara and Anthropologie because of their treatment of independent artists, but I’ve also started to care a lot more about how ethical and fair companies are in how they produce and manufacture.
January 8, 2019 at 2:20 pmLove these types of posts! I used to almost only wear black, but since becoming a mom I have stopped – when your baby spits up a LOT black is the worst color, and I find myself also wanting to have more fun getting dressed to go out. Since starting to work again when my son turned 1 I have been using Rent the Runway unlimited which I love – especially now that I’m pregnant again – it’s been nice to mix up what I’m wearing and not worry about buying clothes when my size is fluctuating so much between nursing/weaning/pregnant again/etc.
Even thought baby #2 is still a few months away I also spend probably too much time thinking about being done at 2 or trying for a 3rd child. I have the same internal dialogue – it would be crazy! Especially because we love to travel and 3 kids is a whole other level of chaos. But will I regret it later? This young phase is hard but so temporary… We’ll see!
Diane W
January 8, 2019 at 3:34 pmI love closets. (And hangers.) As someone who keeps a fairly well-organized closet, I realized the other day that my organization hid the fact that there were things in there that needed to go. It was just that they didn’t jump out because everything looked orderly. And it was. But camouflaged in there were items never worn….and needing to be set free….
Kimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
January 10, 2019 at 6:58 pmHow funny, your resolutions are almost exactly what my style resolutions were in 2017 (and still are, to be honest)! Looking forward to seeing how you work through them. 🙂
January 17, 2019 at 1:13 pmLOL oh wow, I have seen this EXACT photo before and said to myself ‘that’s my reasonable goal of what I want my closet to look like.’ But then I was honest with myself and thought that this person probably has a bunch of storage boxes in her garage and I will likely be in the same boat. Hey, it’ll get my started on purging things that stay in storage too long? Baby steps.