
My Diamond Earrings

Can I share a secret with you?

My diamonds are fake. Well, at least the ones in my ears are (usually).

I have several pairs of nice fine jewelry studs that I have enjoyed wearing over the years. I love studs – they are easy to wear, unobtrusive usually, and I wear a pair almost every day.

Anyway, about seven or so years ago, something very bad happened. I remember it all so clearly. I was out with friends at Dragon Bar (Bay Area residents feel free to judge away), and my hand brushed my right ear. And then I realized! There was no earring in it.

diamond studs

My hand quickly went up to my left ear, and then my heart sank – there was an earring in that lobe. Meaning that my right stud had fallen off, sometime during the night. Have you ever tried to look for a small item on the floor of a dark bar? I tried for about ten minutes, and then began the mourning process and ordered another round of drinks!

I complained to my mom, who was utterly unsympathetic as soon as she heard the words “…and I was at this place, you know, well a bar”. But she did pick me up a pair of cubic zirconia earrings at Nordstrom randomly a few months later – the Asian mother’s way of saying, Maybe you shouldn’t have nice things. And I love them! They’re a nice size, look good enough, and I never worry about losing them. And the best part? Under $50!

I would never buy a fake handbag, but fake diamond earrings are okay with me. How about you?

PS: I hope you never lose an earring as I did, but if you do, Tiffany will replace the missing piece for 50% of the total price, so very reasonable. Just sharing some knowledge I hope you never have to use!


  • Reply
    Pret A Porter P
    April 30, 2014 at 7:37 am

    A sensible thing to do. I wear cz “diamonds” too. I lost a pearl earring once, and of course no one ever tells you that you’re missing an earring.

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 10:11 am

      So true, why does no one ever tell youu? I wonder if they think its deliberate (which is also bizarre).

      • Reply
        May 1, 2014 at 4:11 am

        Might I ask what backing you had for your diamonds? Maybe changing to a screw back if they aren’t already would make the earrings more secure.

        • Reply
          May 2, 2014 at 1:36 pm

          They weren’t screw I think…I have to go back and check. I have one pair that has these little “push” bits on the side that also add some more security. Good question!

        • Reply
          January 6, 2016 at 8:09 am

          Hi I actually just lose one of my diamond earring and still depress about it. Had to go get one fake one to match it. Crazy thing about it, it had a screw on the back. I was never worry about losing it. I was home all morning, so I am praying I have lost somewhere in the house. I wanted to pass it down to my daughter one day, what a bummer. Probably be safe If I get insurance next time I purchase anything nice or not wear anything nice to chance of losing.

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 8:36 am

    I’m so sorry you lost one.
    I wear fake studs as well. I have real ones, but I think for most day to day things – the “fake” ones are fine and I wouldn’t be so devastated if I lost them.

    Good to know about Tiffany – I hope to never have to worry about that!

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    Natalie {Use Your Words, Little Girl}
    April 30, 2014 at 8:39 am

    I totally do the same thing! I used to wear my mom’s beautiful diamond earrings (that she left me when she passed), but I became way too paranoid. I figure those are better saved for special occassions when I am more fussy and likely to be paying attention better anyway. 😉 I get compliments on my CZs all the time, and I don’t have to worry. Party on!

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    Tia @ Tina and Tia
    April 30, 2014 at 8:42 am

    Thanks for sharing about Tiffany’s!! I dropped a sterling silver heart tag earring down the drain a few months ago.

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 10:10 am

      I hope they still have the same policy! Check with their CS department.

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    April 30, 2014 at 8:47 am

    Diamond studs have been on my wishlist for a couple years now. After reading one of your posts around the holidays last year, which included the Nordstrom CZ diamond studs as a sale PSA (with a condensed version of this story), I added them to my Christmas list and got them from my sister. I love them and wear them almost everyday. My sister loved them too and now own two pairs herself- the diamond studs and then the studs with pave like mine. I never thanked you for the recommendation! 🙂

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 10:10 am

      You know I hazily remembered maybe recommending them, but wasn’t completely sure. So glad that you got them and like them! They are so easy to wear and have never irritated my sensitive ears.

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        May 1, 2014 at 9:30 am

        I actually booked a trip to Cancun earlier this week and was thinking about my vacation shopping list. I had to go to the mall after work yesterday to return some stuff and I stopped by Nordstrom and picked up the maxi dress! I was lucky in that the last one in my size in the coral color was incorrectly marked as $19.95 so I got it for even more of a deal- whoo!

        It’s embarrassing the number of stuff I purchased from your sale PSA’s- Nordstrom CZ studs, BP Lush maxi dress, Bobeau cardigans (both my sisters and I each own two), and the dalmation print Ann Taylor faux wrap dress. You’re an instigator!

        • Reply
          May 2, 2014 at 12:27 pm

          Nordstrom is great, I did return it but I may get it in black now :)))

          • Katherine
            May 2, 2014 at 1:21 pm

            Hi Mila, glad to hear that!

        • Reply
          May 2, 2014 at 1:25 pm

          That is so sweet of you to say, thank you! I hope you are enjoying all the purchases 🙂 I love that Bobeau cardigan too, have one in my office desk right now!

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 9:00 am

    I never wear my diamond earrings for the same reason. too paranoid. but cz is actually a great idea that i didn’t think of earlier!

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    April 30, 2014 at 9:37 am

    My heart sank reading this post. It is so awful to lose jewelry! Especially in a dark bar! I lost my wallet once in a bar in Manhattan, or it was stolen, yet a month later, my driver’s license was mailed back to me! Amazing! Anyway, I wear diamond studs every single day, a pair given to me by my parents when I graduated from college (so many years ago). I feel I am uptight as it is about my Hermes silks and Jige, I make myself wear the nice jewelry I own, including the diamond studs. I want to pass these things onto my daughter one day and I want there to be my personal history attached to them! So I wore Mikimoto pearl studs when I gave birth to both of my kids and both the pearl earrings and my diamond studs each got to take a turn being worn when I ran both of my marathons.

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 10:08 am

      That is very nice about your drivers license at least 🙂 That’s a good point about wearing to get value out of these expensive items. Love how you wore Mikimoto while in the hospital and diamonds during a marathon!

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    April 30, 2014 at 9:40 am

    I feel the same way about diamond earrings. I bought good “fakes” years ago. As these things go, I have never lost either one of that pair. In the case of diamond earrings, the CZ’s they now make look so real and when was the last time someone took out a loop and put it at your ear to check your earrings? Yeah….probably never. Peace of mind is worth a lot. I am sure that if I wore real ones, I’d lose one at some point. I prefer to learn my lesson before it hits me, whenever possible.

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 10:07 am

      I was giggling at your loupe comment. So true!

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    April 30, 2014 at 12:31 pm

    Oh GOD Katherine that must have been horrible.

    A similar thing happened to me. I had a lovely pair of wee Chanel No 5 perfume bottle earrings and I dropped one. Went back and tried and retraced my steps but no luck. I’ve turned the remaining one into a necklace so I guess not a complete loss 🙂

    Morning from Down Under

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 1:01 pm

    a gf was so afraid of losing the diamond studs that her mother gave her that she never took them out or turned them… and one day had to get surgery as the backing started to grow with her skin! she ended up accidentally throwing out the earring they removed when she was cleaning her purse!

    diamond earrings make me nervous. i think i’m fine with fake earrings… for now. i picked up a few fake diamond studs on my trip to shanghai. i’m very happy with the quality and won’t be too upset if i lose one. (and this is coming right after i left my diamond necklace in an equinox shower stall and managed to recover it via a towel bin hours later!)

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 4:11 pm

      OMG so glad you were able to recover your necklace. That is scary about your friend – a good reminder that we shouldn’t leave our earrings in for too long!

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    April 30, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    My daily pearl earrings are fake! without fail one earring always falls off after a long phone conversation at work. my real pearls are reserved for special events and I check my ears every couple of minutes because I am permanently paranoid.

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    April 30, 2014 at 1:57 pm

    As I was reading your post, I thought you were going to say you got mugged and that’s how you lost them. That is the reason why no one in my home country wears their nice jewelry out 🙁 Glad that was not your case.
    Considering that, now that I live in California I am the opposite way, I wear my nice jewelry out because I never had the chance before. I just triple check that the clasps are tight before leaving the house.
    I do own a pair of CZ studs though! 🙂

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      April 30, 2014 at 4:10 pm

      Belen where did you live before? I hope you’re enjoying the Californian sun!

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        April 30, 2014 at 6:22 pm

        I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Been in California for a little over 4 years, enjoying being able to wear my jewelry without having to worry 🙂
        My great-grandfather made gold jewelry as a hobby and I have a number of heirloom pieces that I’ve only gotten to wear in the past few years. I wouldn’t have dared over there. My grandma even kept them in a closet with furniture pushed against it (that was a little extreme). We lived in a nice part of town, but that’s just the way it is over there. I’ve been mugged before for an old crappy cellphone. Not fun!

        • Reply
          April 30, 2014 at 9:07 pm

          That is very sweet to hear about your great grandfather, what a lovely memory to have from him. Argentina is on my must go visit list and I hope to go one day. It sounds beautiful (and I’m excited about the food!).

          • Belen
            April 30, 2014 at 9:15 pm

            I’ll be glad to help with any tips you need whenever you decide to go.

            You have no idea how I miss the food. I am a terrible cook. How I wish I could have my grandma teleport me some homemade empanadas.

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    christine brightside
    April 30, 2014 at 2:00 pm

    oh well your mom is just SO Asian and reminds me of mine. I once lost a gold stud I had received from my aunt (whilst …well clubbing), and she did not comment on it but bought me a pair of zirkonia studs for my next birthday which was about 30$. I still have them and love them, wearing them ever since – must have been before I started university… I have not dared to buy diamond studs just because I once lost one of that golden pair. The most expensive earrings I own now are the Dior tribal ones (faaaaake) and Tiffany Teardrops (without diamonds, just plain ones), and I think I would never buy expensive earrings. I always reach out to my ears to check, even now working in an office 😉

    Sometimes in winter times I have the feeling my hands/finger are “smaller” and I am always nervous about my wedding band and engagement ring, as they are the only real diamonds I wear every day… I tend to walk around with fists just to make sure my rings don’t fall off my finger… yeah, call me MONK!

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 4:10 pm

      Ahh, how funny we had very similar experiences with our moms! I also have the same issue with rings in winter – I def. feel like they might fall off and I have to switch fingers/hands so they have a snugger fit.

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 2:15 pm

    I ordered that knit maxi dress based on your previous recommendations and although the fit was ok I couldn’t figure out why they make it double layer on top and not on the bottom half. Its almost see through 🙁
    I tend not to wear my diamond studs for the same reason, afraid to loose it so this was a good idea with cz earrings. What size are yours ? The link you gave is for 2ct tw

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 4:09 pm

      Hi Mila I think mine are the size I linked, 1 CT each or so. I’m sorry to hear about the maxi! I actually have the black so it wasn’t an issue but I understand how it could be sheer in lighter colors. I hope you were able to return it, Nordstrom is really good about stuff like that 🙂

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    April 30, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    Hey, why own them if you won’t use them, right? I have a pair of studs from Tiffany (thanks for the note on their policy; hopefully won’t have to use it) that I’ve worn every day for the past four years. I realize that I could lose them, but I love them too much to have them sit in some dark drawer in my closet. If you’re too afraid to lose/ding/scratch something, them don’t get it. The Purse Blog had a discussion on carrying your fancy bags everywhere; I’m the girl who carries her Celine trapeze, YSL muse 2, and vintage python clutch through the city grime, thank you very much. Yes, the Celine is kinda beat by now (had it since 2012; quality is kinda shoddy, actually. You should see older trapeze and luggage bags – they age terribly, but that’s another story). Yes, the YSL is a little frizzy, although it still looks better than the Celine (I have the Prince of Wales print Muse 2. You should google a picture :). Yes, the python has died a second time (I exaggerate a bit, admittedly). But why own something when you won’t make it work for you?

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 4:08 pm

      Hi Anna I agree with you in theory, and I generally use and abuse most of my items. Earrings for some reason though I’ve had a track record of losing, it’s probably just a habit I have of playing with them in my ear, etc, so while I believe in wear and tear, I’ll try to avoid loss in a high risk situation (like at a bar!) 🙂 Just my personal philosophy, I think we all have to figure out what we’re comfortable with individually.

      • Reply
        April 30, 2014 at 4:42 pm

        You’ve found a way around the problem by substituting CZ for diamond earring in high risk situations, which is a great middle ground. I guess I was still fuming from that silly PB post about OMGCELINE sitting on the passenger’s seat in Megs’ car.

        You should see what I do to my Celine; the passenger’s seat is a luxurious place for it. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m careful and conscientious about how I use my things, but I’m not going to lose sleep over every scratch either. On this note, I have a delicate Missoni coat/cardigan hybrid (that cost a bloody fortune) that I do lab experiments in 🙂

        Sacrilegious, I know.

        • Reply
          April 30, 2014 at 9:08 pm

          I haven’t read that thread! I have to go look for it next time. You sound like the most stylish lady in the lab for sure! 🙂

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    April 30, 2014 at 5:45 pm

    Hi Katherine – at the risk of sounding like an overbearing mom, have you considered insuring some of that jewelry? I have a personal articles policy that covers all of my fine jewelry, not just my wedding set. They insure against everything, including “mysterious disappearance.” It’s great bc I have one ring that has needed repairing three times and the cost of coverage basically pays for the insurance policy. Anyhow just a suggestion.

    • Reply
      April 30, 2014 at 9:10 pm

      Hi Trang, no way that you’re overbearing. I do have some insurance but not on all my items…I should think about it though, and check for the “mysterious disappearance” on my policy. Thank you!

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 6:48 pm

    OMG! This post has got to be in my top ten favorites of what you have posted. Loved reading it!

    First of all, I really really love your blog. I meant to post a msg on your anniversary (Happy Belated Anniversary!) telling you that but life took over. I was never a blog reader until I stumbled across yours and now you are one of two blogs I follow. I still can’t stand many of the other blogs out there, even the super stylish ones. Yours is fun, well written, diverse in topic and we have many things in common so it’s addicting! Nice work. Missing the interviews lately though (and I like all of them, even the ones with the ladies displaying their beautiful Hermes and VCA.) Also love your travel posts and the beautiful places you visit and stay. I have to live vicariously through you since I am bogged down with young kiddies now.

    So I loved this post because it was highly unexpected! I have enjoyed seeing and reading about your beautiful jewelry and handbags so for me this came out of left field. I think it is a fantastic that you wear something posing as a highly expensive jewelry piece just to save you some peace of mind. I am sorry that it is due to an unfortunately incident and I can sympathize. I have a pair of lovely silver pearls I got from my MIL as a wedding gift. I swear these pearls have 9 lives because I think I have lost them at least twice and so far I have been lucky. I did replace the backing for one but the temporary feeling of losing one side completely was enough to dampen one’s spirit. So thanks for posting. It was refreshing to read and great intro line.

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      April 30, 2014 at 9:11 pm

      Hi Lyn,

      Thank you so much for such a kind comment. I’m so glad that you like my blog (and just out of curiosity I’d love to know the other one you read!). Thank goodness that you still have your silver pearls – they must be lucky ones! Best wishes and thank you again.

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    Unfortunately, I have lost one half of three pairs of diamond studs (and an heirloom ring handed down from grandmother to granddaughter – that still gives me heart ache). I just don’t wear jewelry now!

  • Reply
    April 30, 2014 at 8:12 pm

    Oh I am so sorry to hear that Katherine! That really sucks. Your replacement earrings look lovely.
    I tend to mostly wear yellow gold, sometimes with CZ, sometimes with precious gems (diamonds or rubies). I have only lost one earring in my life, which happened earlier this month. To be honest, I think I tend not to worry much about it – my grandma’s jeweller can copy pretty much any piece i figure, and this particular one was originally made by him so I have just ordered a replacement. I am a big believer in enjoying my things and I love seeing gold jewelry age with time. In fact, my favourite piece of jewelry is a pair of gold and diamond star studs which were made for my mom by her parents when she was born. Love them and wear them all the time.

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      April 30, 2014 at 9:05 pm

      Hi Ammu I always like hearing your stories about your family – I kind of swooned when you said “grandma’s jeweler!” How cool to be able to go to the same jeweler your grandma used!

      • Reply
        April 30, 2014 at 10:36 pm

        Thanks 🙂 Our whole family goes to him – and we often get multiples made, since my aunts, mummy and I have similar taste when it comes to jewelry – delicate and gold.

  • Reply
    May 1, 2014 at 2:12 am

    You are so hilarious, Kath! Loving the humor 🙂

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    May 1, 2014 at 6:57 am

    This is a truly tragic story. I would hate to lose an investment piece of jewelry like this. I am not wealthy but invested in a pair of substantial diamond studs that I wear 90% of the time. They are stunning, simple and thank god, secure! So far, in 15 years they have not let me down! I have no problem with faux though, it’s a good way of determining if you’re serious about a style.

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    May 1, 2014 at 8:31 am

    Hi Katherine,

    I can totally relate. CZ is a wise choice. I recently lost a 1.2c stud. I was about to upgrade. I still have the other 1.2 stud left. This experiences makes me question whether I’m going to get diamond studs again. It was devastating and traumatizing. It wasn’t under insurance either. A dear friend also said that many of her friends lost their diamond studs. It is not an uncommon experience, but the prices are.

    As always you are so smart and wise in your decisions.

    • Reply
      May 2, 2014 at 1:27 pm

      Thank you a, I am def. don’t feel honest and wise….! I think sometimes if I do have a wise decision it’s after having made a baaaad mistake 🙂

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    Ava Lon
    May 1, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    Dear, dear Katherine,

    Oh that is an awful story. 🙁 I am so sorry to hear that. I don’t think wearing CZ studs are such a scandalous secret that you should feel bad about 😉 given the prevalence of many women who store their real diamonds in either a safety deposit box or in a fire proof safe while wearing their “travel” jewelry all the time. I know people who have some serious jewelry which they store away and would you believe that they go and have identical “fakes” made for daily use and most especially when they travel? This was a rather new concept to me, but after speaking with them about it it made sense. I understand each person has their own comfort level and preference, but I wanted to share with you what some friends and colleagues made aware to me.

    When traveling, one is always concerned about the safe storage of one’s valuables, right? Many times we need to travel for a special function that requires us to wear our “fancy stuff” and as we cannot layer them on all at once while zipping through the airport, even with the global entry, having a set of “travel” jewelry is always helpful. You lose it or it gets stolen, sure it stinks, but you’re not devastated. 😀

    One thing maybe you can clarify for me is I never understood is why so many women seem to condone wearing fake diamonds but those same people seem to have such a visceral reaction to those same women who wear fake leather goods. Those who wear fake diamonds, myself included, wear it because we like shiny thing 😉 and also for others to THINK it’s the real deal, no? At the end of the day, so long as you are happy with what you are wearing and you can afford what you can afford, be it real/fake diamonds, real/fake leather goods, real/faux fur, who cares? 🙂

    Sorry for another long comment :-/


    ps- a great use for all of you who have lost a mate to your real diamond studs, bring them to a jeweler and have it made into a necklace!

    • Reply
      May 2, 2014 at 1:25 pm

      Hi Ava that is an interesting point you bring up about earrings and bags. I don’t judge others for choosing to wear fake (maybe they don’t know, maybe they don’t care), but for me having worked in a more creative role earlier and seeing how hard designers work, it feels wrong for me personally. There are so many ways to buy similar/inspired items these days that I don’t see a reason for having to buy an exact replica.

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    May 2, 2014 at 6:47 am

    It’s really about intent. Some people wear CZ and the like because of 1) cost, 2) intent to disguise as the real thing, 3) security reasons. #2 gives people reason to judge the most.

    After losing the other stud… no, I don’t want to wear a diamond pendant. I don’t even want to look at it.

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      May 2, 2014 at 1:58 pm

      I just wanted to clarify that it’s not my place to judge anyone for anything. If people want to wear replicas, it’s their prerogative. However, there are people who do judge people based on what they wear, rightly or wrongly. It might not be pleasant to deal with.

  • Reply
    May 2, 2014 at 6:15 pm

    I lost a Tiffany’s diamond stud earring in Vegas! It wasn’t until after I returned home that I realized it was gone. It was a screw back and it still managed to fall off.

    • Reply
      May 3, 2014 at 4:45 pm

      Oh I’m sorry to hear that! 🙁

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    May 3, 2014 at 11:40 am

    hi katherine!!!

    OMGGG LOLOLOL DRAGON BAR!! i wonder if we were ever there at the same time? does that place even exist anymore??!

    ugh i’m so sad about your earrings i hope they were insured!! a few years ago when i was at the VCA store inside of neimans in downtown i was trying on a necklace and that’s when i realized my diamond cross was missing!! i just about started to cry inside the store.. luckily is was insured.

    one of my girlfriends actually swears by those nordstrom CZ studs.. and i’ve actually compared them with my diamond studs and i cannot tell a difference it’s amazing. i’ve been toying with the idea of buying some because i realized after getting studs.. while i don’t think they’re that big in size.. however i do find that i’m “very aware” of them on my ears in the day time in public.. if that makes sense??

    btws! you should get guardian/protector backings on yours.. you have to pinch them to get them to slide on and off. they’re extremely secure (much more then the traditional screwbacks) i have them on all my diamond earrings.. and for extra protection i put these little plastic ones BEHIND the metal guardian backings. so essentially you’re wearing two backings.. the little plastic piece ensures that the metal one if it ever does fail that it still keeps it in place.


    you can find them on amazon for like 100 pc. for like a couple of bucks! hope this helps 🙂


    • Reply
      May 3, 2014 at 4:39 pm

      Hi Lisa! Thanks so much my friend, ordering them now on Amazon 🙂 I love those guardian backings (never knew that is what they were called) – I have them on some of my earrings but not all.

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    May 3, 2014 at 11:51 am


    I hear you. I have three crazy stories myself (2 ended up well, 1 not so).

    Years ago, I hit my head while trying to get into a cab in NYC, and one of my 4-carat diamond stud earrings fell onto the street. My friends and I looked for it, luckily, someone found it.

    A few years later, in Chicago, I was coming back from a breakfast meeting and was wearing a set of 6-carat diamond earrings that were wedding gifts from my Mom. I went into a cheap accessory store to browse some cheap earrings on the way back to my car. I already told myself, “Do not take off your 6-carat to try on these cheap earrings.” But for some stupid reason, I took off one earring to try on some of the cheap earring and forgot about it. After that, I went around to a few more stores for 2.5 hours then went back to my garage. When the elevator door at the garage closed, I saw that one of my ears did not have the earring. My heart sank! I immediately took off my shoes and ran back to the cheap accessory store, thoroughly aware that most likely it was gone! What happened next you wouldn’t believe. It was right there, just sitting on top of the counter, 2.5 hours later! The back was missing, but the diamond stud was just sitting there! It’s my lucky day! I immediately went to a bar to get a champagne by myself to celebrate. What a close call.

    The last one is not so lucky. I took off my 3-carat diamond ring to put it into the cleaning solution. After a few hours, I took it out and dried it in a facial tissue paper. I forgot to take it out of the tissue paper and must have tossed it into the garbage bin. It’s gone forever.

    In any case, I think you are smart to not wear these high-priced items daily. We all should be more aware of our high value jewelry.


    • Reply
      May 3, 2014 at 2:11 pm

      OMG Sonita, Jane, and all the ladies who have lost prized jewels!!!!! Wow, thanks for writing this entry, Katherine.

      We definitely need reminders like these.

      Sometimes we can get lost in the lust for luxury goods and forget what huge liabilities they are. Even to buy insurance for them, to save money to get them, etc. is it worth all the effort?

      I think the verdict is minimize buying luxury goods as much as possible.

    • Reply
      May 3, 2014 at 4:38 pm

      Sonita, thank you for sharing – you’ve been lucky twice ! I’m sorry to hear about your ring though 🙁 Your jewelry all sounds amazing.

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    May 4, 2014 at 1:55 am

    This happened to me a few weeks ago! Lost one of the earrings (but glad to hear Tiffany will replace it for half price:D). The were screwbacks as well, and I found the back of the earring in my house, but not the diamond stud >.<. Go figure.

    Ebay happened to have a sale for CZ earrings, and I figured they would make a great replacement for the meantime. They look real and are just as "glittery"! I think now I'll stick to CZ as well, but will get a replacement from Tiffany, just because I like my things to be complete (probably won't wear them though).

  • Reply
    May 4, 2014 at 6:15 am

    If you’ve got the real thing then I believe in wearing them. Why else own them? I get the ‘travel’ set but also believe strongly in insurance. I see nothing wrong with wearing CZ but if you can afford the real thing, wear them!

  • Reply
    May 7, 2014 at 9:52 pm

    Omg i thought im the only one. This also happended to me twice so i totally gave up on wearing diamond earing.. Unless theyre like chandelier party type..

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    May 8, 2014 at 5:23 pm

    I also wear “diamond-like” stud earrings (as my niece once said) but they are not cz’s. They are moissanite stud earrings! I can only wear 14kt or > gold or platinum jewelry or my ear lobes will get infected. The pair I bought from either qvc or hsn over 10 years ago came in a platinum 3 prong setting which gave it an “expensive” look since you can see the stones more. I wear them all the time, even when working out. I feel naked without earrings and those are my go to earrings where I don’t have to worry about losing or cleaning regularly. They’ve stayed brilliant and since they are 1 kt each (2kt tw), I can get away wearing them during special occasions! I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who wears diamond-like studs. My question is this: would you reveal that you’re wearing non-diamond stud earrings?????? Thanks for sharing!!!

    • Reply
      May 8, 2014 at 7:35 pm

      Hi Sybil, yes I do all the time! Whenever people admire them I say that they are CZ and around $50 from Nordstrom! 🙂

  • Reply
    May 13, 2014 at 8:16 pm

    I was going through a tough time compounded by the loss of one of the studs. My mother actually found it sandwiched in the cement of the sidewalk outside our house! It’s a miracle! It turned up after almost a month! I just wanted to share since I was complaining so much and wanted to give people more hope and positive vibes!

    • Reply
      May 13, 2014 at 8:20 pm

      Knowing how sad I was and having an inner voice tell her that it was there, she looked around the area frequently. I always thought I lost it on the bus and thus I never looked there. Wow… it’s amazing. I’m never trading up, these are my lucky studs!

      • Reply
        May 14, 2014 at 9:25 am

        Hi a, thanks for sharing!! So glad your mom found them, what a great happy ending to this story 🙂

  • Reply
    May 16, 2014 at 5:27 am

    Thanks for the insightful post Katherine!
    I use CZs althought I have a pair of diamond earrings. I’m afraid of losing them especially when I travel, which I have done in the past.

  • Reply
    Ms Vvn
    August 26, 2016 at 11:28 am

    I’ve lost so many earrings that my husband bought me a pair from Tiffany’s that is “screw in” style. Takes longer to put them on but unless I drop them, they stay perfectly put on my ears.

  • Reply
    January 25, 2025 at 12:11 am

    KRK Jewels offers elegant diamond stud earrings with a variety of styles, including oval halo and round solitaire designs, crafted with exceptional quality and attention to detail.

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