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Luxury Resale


A Good Time For Luxury Resale Buying (Update, 2017)

One of my more popular posts in 2015 was my update about it being a good period to buy luxury goods on resale sites. The luxury market was in a bit of a slump, prices hadn’t been raised in some time, and there were lots of deals to be had.

Two years later, in 2017, I’m finding this is still true, if not even more so. Prices are way soft, and there are some fantastic deals to be had. Especially since brands are no longer reliably raising prices every year (and thank goodness that has ended), I’m finding that resale sites are no longer daring to charge actual retail price, and actually have to provide good discounts to give deals. Which is how it should be, no? Although it’s painful on the seller side, as I have quite a few goodies now sitting unused after new baby which I mourn will not see the light of the day for some time.

One interesting aspect of the whole resale price slump is that it’s made me a lot more mindful of luxury purchases – prior to 2015 I knew that if I changed my mind or didn’t like a style, I could usually recoup what I paid (or close to it) for an item. Even though I didn’t necessarily sell very much (I’m all talk, little action), it still was a comfort that I wouldn’t take a huge hit if I was going re Kondo. But now? I’m super picky. I have to not only really love an item and be drawn to it, but also feel that it’ll immediately have a useful place in my wardrobe in order to pick it up. And sometimes I still decide to walk away…I’ve learned it’s more often that I’ve regretted buying something, than not buying it. And I hope that’s a lesson I can remember and take going forward!

How has the stagnation in luxury prices changed your buying (and selling?). I’d love to hear how, if at all, your thinking has been impacted.

Also – below – some of my recent finds. Tons of good deals to be had out there (but make sure you’re buying because you love the item, not just because of the price!)

Chanel Gray Reissue Camera Bag, under $1400: A classic Chanel that’s super useful and in a gorgeous shade of gray. I love this one!

Hermes Double Sens Tote in Blue/Black reversible, under $2500 : I find there are great deals on the Double Sens on almost every resale site right now, so shop around if you’re in the market!

Hermes Etoupe Victoria bag, under $2800: Another fantastic Hermes style, in a classic color at a great price. The Victoria hasn’t been as popular as it was when it first debuted, and that means there are some nice prices to be had out there.

