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The Road To Publication

Over the past few months I’ve had some questions about how to write and a publish book. Please note that there is SO much information already available out there online – I knew nothing about the process when I…


My Book!

Today I’m both incredibly nervous and excited to share with you all something that has utterly consumed me since the beginning of last year (aside from baby and toddler, of course). A project very near and dear, which I…

Books Life

Favorite Books of 2017

If you’ve been reading my blog for a little while, it’s likely obvious that I love to read. I get questions about how I manage to still read so much with two kids (I go through about a book…

Books Life

The Struggle

You know those annoying people who read a certain book or watch a super lofty, award winning documentary and then can’t shut up about it? They think they’ve learned some great, life-changing wisdom and then are super annoying because…

